#YSPContest #2 Winner | Yureka Support Page

Winner of #YSPContest #2 ( for the sale on 22nd January, 2015 )

Our #YSPContest #2 ended on 1st February, in this contest participants had to post images either of their Yureka or by their Yureka. We recieved some very interesting entries. We have also relaxed the 50*Participants ratio. The winners were chosen on the basis of their images and their interaction on our FB Page and sharing the contest.

So without further ado,

1. Mi In-Ear Headset

Ramkrishna Ghosal

Nice one Ram, Yureka Selfie.

2. Mi Power Bank 5,200 mAh
Anish Kumar

3. e-Gift Voucher (₹ 250)

Bhargav Mistry

4. e-Gift Voucher (₹ 150)

Narendra H. Parmar

Congratulations to all the winners of our first contest. We will provide you a form to fill in your delivery details after which we will dispatch the prizes to your address.

Thanks for participating. Keep visiting our page on FB for more on Yureka.

If you're going to buy Yureka again in future sales you can participate in our contests again.