Why does your Yuphoria says 'Assembled in China'

Explanation: Why Yuphoria has 'Assembled in China' instead of  'Assembled in India'

When Rahul Sharma, CEO of newly found YU Televentures Pvt. Ltd. was announcing the new device Yuphoria he couldn't hide his excitement when he announced that the new device will come with 'Assembled in India' tag. As the device was dubbed first 'crowdsourced' phone. This along with the metal body design was the selling point of the device which has already managed to sell 20,000 units in its first sale held on 28th May, 2015.

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However a confusion has been amidst the those who purchased the device on the first sale and received their devices which has the tag 'Assembled in China' which has attracted irk of some customers who feels cheated. The following is what one user wrote at the Facebook wall of YU.

However this is not a case of cheating by YU but just a misinformation among customers and YU, To know what we're talking about check out this video:

Rahul Sharma mentions in the end that first few batches will be imported from China to smooth out the assembling process, however future devices will come with 'Assembled in India' tag. So we urge YU Fans to understand the process and clear out misconceptions.